This week I’ve still managed my two mile walk on most days. I’m starting to feel the need to slow down as I enter the third trimester and find myself growing larger. A back, neck and shoulder massage helped greatly from Kate at the Chester branch, but I’m still feeling quite a few aches and pains as most pregnant people do.
This week I’ve given a lot of thought to running the marathon next year. There is also a lot of mental preparation that goes into running as well as the physical exertion – 26 miles is a long way! There is no kidding the body that it’s just a short trip around the block, the mind must be prepared for the long and mental battle that a marathon brings. The last two long races I did back in 2007 I approached very differently. The 20 miles I ran in 2hours 15minutes, I broke down into two mile segments, which mentally worked wonders for me. With the marathon however, I was already plagued with injury and didn’t approach it in such a positive way, which left me struggling towards the end. The mind wanders a lot when running, and focusing it really helps! There are many different mental techniques all of which we can help you with here at Anatomy, and working out what went wrong in your last race is one of them!