Physiotherapy/Sports Rehabilitation


Sports and general muscular injuries interfere with your lifestyle, whether you’re a competitive athlete or an individual involved in recreational play.

Sports Rehabilitation / physiotherapy is beneficial for clients who have suffered an injury; however it may have been caused.  Here at the Manchester (Chorlton) branch of Anatomy we are experts in our field at musculoskeletal physiotherapy and rehabilitation. We mainly deal with private patients so there is no need for a referral from your doctor or lengthy waiting lists on the NHS but you do need to let us know if you are using an insurance company to pay.

All of our Physiotherapists, Sports Rehabilitators and Sports Therapists  have studied for a three year degree, have a wealth of experience between them and are registered (HCPC, BASRaT, SST) leaving us in little doubt we will be able to help you with any issue you may be suffering with.

Following a comprehensive rehabilitation programme, which addresses not only the symptoms of the problem but also the root cause, it is possible to solve chronic and acute problems. Treatment will be carried out over successive weeks gradually rectifying the problem, until a normal everyday life is possible.

By addressing issues such as core-stability, it makes it possible to return to a full active life, enabling an even better level of performance than before.

Problems that can be treated effectively:

  • Activity related fitness training
  • Arthritic problems
  • Athletic taping and strapping
  • Back and spinal problems
  • Biomechanical assessment – Injury prevention, Technique analysis
  • Fitness assessment / improvement programmes
  • Joint problems
  • Lower back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Overuse injuries
  • Postural assessment
  • Remedial exercise programmes
  • Sports injuries
  • Sprains and strains
  • Tendonitis