Blog 2 – w/c Monday 23rd June

This week, I’m starting to feel like the size of house. That said, I still managed my 2 mile walk each day and swimming on Tuesday.  I’ve managed to eat healthily all week, making sure I have at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day.  I’m starting to find it difficult to eat big meals so by making them smaller and adding in healthy snacks I’m making sure me and the baby get the right nutritional intake.  My mid morning snack has become mixed berries and yogurt giving me at least two portions of fruit added into my diet, as well as it being a good source of antioxidants.

I’ve also been experiencing bad headaches again this week.  This is something I normally suffer with but with the hormones and the heat they have been out of control again!  As medication is limited, I saw Tina the acupuncturist in our Manchester branch.  With a few needles in my face, arms and feet she managed to clear the constant banging feeling in my head after 20 minutes. It doesn’t work this quickly for most people, a few sessions is always needed, but it is an amazing alternative to western medicine with some brilliant non-contraindicated results in pregnancy.

Blog 1 – w/c Monday 16th June

Well, I’m guessing I started this blog at a silly time, right after my holiday. The first holiday for 3 years that is.  Apart from eating half a stone of pancakes (they were for the baby honest) I still managed to walk most days trying to get my 30 minutes of exercise in – the amount they recommend during pregnancy.  I’ve been suffering with very painful thighs and some sciatic back pain.  After a couple of sessions of gentle mobilisation and soft tissue massage from the girls at Anatomy I was able to sleep much better.  Its recommended that you don’t sleep on your back but on your side, but so far the extra two stone I’ve put on doesn’t quite agree to sleeping on my side for very long, but the massages definitely helped.

Since returning from holiday I’ve been walking two miles a day at a steady pace.  It’s a mixture of trying to keep fit, balanced with not over doing it, especially in this heat.  All contact sport and impact sport is out so trying to find something gentle, fun and that leaves you slightly out of breath is quite hard (I’m not a yoga type of person).  Swimming is a great exercise, I tried it on Tuesday however I found it quite hard to stretch out and I ended up sinking!  They do many Aqua-natal aerobic classes around my area, next week I intend to try this.  As for my marathon choice, I’m looking to you for ideas?  I’m thinking Berlin in 2015.  What would you suggest?